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World Accreditation Day

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Executive Commitee Meetings Virtual 2023
Executive Commitee Meetings Virtual From March 13-17, 2023

The IAF / ILAC A-Series Working Group has published a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers on the implementation of specific clauses of ISO / IEC 17011. The Spanish translation was carried out by the IAAC Secretariat.

The FAQs are for the use of IAF and ILAC, regional cooperations, accreditation bodies and peer evaluators. They are offered as a tool to help the understanding and application of ISO / IEC 17011, to achieve the equivalence in the results of peer evaluations based on ISO / IEC 17011. It is important to note that the answers represent the point of view of the members of the Series-A Working Group and are offered as a guide based on the experience of the members.



The list of questions is not exhaustive, if your accreditation body would like to ask a specific question, you can send them to the IAAC Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and we will send them to the Working Group for its consideration. Each question has a publication date that could be updated accordingly, new questions will also be added to be posted on the IAF and ILAC website and translated into Spanish by the IAAC Secretariat.

Footer - EN


Executive Secretary
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Administrative and Social Media Coordinator
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation
Tel: +1 (336) 782-3808

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