IAAC Stakeholders
List of IAAC Stakeholders organized alphabetically by country
Argentina - Cámara de Organismos de Evaluación de la Conformidad de la República Argentina (COECRA)
Ing. Roberto Flynn, Chair
Tel: +54 11 43023344
Fax: +54 11 43032515
Website: www.coecra.org
Argentina - Instituto Argentino de Normalización (IRAM)
Nicolas Eliçabe, Certification Director
Tel: +54-11-7078-0542
Website: iram-iso@iram.org.ar
Argentina - Lenor SRL
Julio Made, Managing partner
Tel: +54 11 45554001
Fax: +54 11 45554363
Email: julio.made@lenorgroup.com
Website: www.lenorgroup.com
Brazil - Associação Brasileira de Avaliação de Conformidade (ABRAC)
Masao Ito, Superintendent
Tel: +55 (11) 3105-2749
Email: abrac@abrac-ac.org.br
Website: http://abrac-ac.org.br/
Mohamed Hussein El Zoghbi, Presidente
Tel: +55 (11) 5035-0820
Fax: +55 (11) 5031-6586
Email: mohamedz@fambrashalal.com.br
Sitio web: http://www.fambrashalal.com.br
Canada - National Research Council of Canada, Calibration Laboratory Assessment Service (NRC CLAS)
Christine de Groot, Program Manager
Tel: +1 (613) 990-6808
Fax: +1 (613) 952-1394
Email: christine.degroot@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Website: www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Colombia - Asociación Colombiana de Organismos de Evaluación de la Conformidad (ASOCEC)
Carolina Lorduy, Executive Director
Tel: +57601 317 3616
Fax: +57601 317 3616
Email: info@asocec.org
Website: http://www.asocec.org
Colombia - Laboratorios M y G (MyG)
Santiago Garnica, Gerente de Proyectos
Tel: +57601 533-1133
Email: gerenciadeproyectos@laboratoriosmyg.com
Website: www.laboratoriosmyg.com
Colombia - LENOR
Leonardo Mariño, Certification Manager
Tel: +57601 744 6544
Email: leonardo.marino@lenorgroup.com
Website: lenor.com.co
Ecuador - LENOR
Lorena Mengarelli, Country Manager
Tel: +593 2 2905487
Email: lorena.mengarelli@lenorgroup.com
Website: lenorgroup.com
Ecuador - PCN del Ecuador PDE cia. LTDA
Carlos Gabriel Romero Gallardo, General Manager
Tel: +593 992720362
Email: carlos@pcn-ecuador.com
Website: www.pcn-ecuador.com
Guatemala - Red Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud y Ambiente (RELABSA)
Marta del Cid, RELABSA representative
Tel: + (502) 5525-3479
Email: delcid.marta33@gmail.com
Website: http://www.relabsa.org.gt
International - IQNET Association – The International Certification Network (IQNET)
Pedro Alves, Managing Director
Tel: +41 31 310 24 40
Email: headoffice@iqnet.ch
Website: www.iqnet-certification.com
International - TIC Council
Ileana Martinez, Trade and Accreditation Director
Tel:301 283-8752
Email: imartinez@tic-council.org
Website: www.tic-council.org
International - Union Internationale Des Laborattoires Indepéndants (UILI)
Dr. Luc Scholtis, President
Tel: +31651181653
Email: president@uili.org
Website: www.uili.org
México - UL de México
Juan González Cornejo, Conformity Assessment Program Manager for LATAM
Tel: +54 11 3984-2608
Email: juan.gonzalez@ul.com
Website: www.ul.com
Panama - Corporación Quality Services (CQS)
Javier Fuentes, General Manager
Tel: +507 393-8681
Email: javierfuentes@corpqualityservices.com
Website: http://www.corpqualityservices.com
Paraguay- Instituto Nacional de Tecnología, Normalización y Metrología (INTN)
Lira Rossana Gimenez, General Director
Tel: +595 212886000
Email: lgimenez@intn.gov.py
Website: https://www.intn.gov.py/
Uruguay - Cámara Uruguaya de Evaluadores de la Conformidad (CUEC)
Federico Turcio, President
Tel: +598 99142121
Email: cuec@cncs.com.uy
Website: www.cuec.org.uy
Uruguay - LSQA
Jorge Arismendi, Executive director
Tel: +598 2604 2960
Email: arismendi@lsqa.com
Website: www.lsqa.com
USA - Intertek Testing Services (ITS)
Paul Moliski, Director of Accreditation
Tel: +1 607-753 67 11
Fax: +1 607-756 66 99
Email: paul.moliski@intertek.com
Website: www.intertek.com
USA - International Quality Excellence in Infrastructure Systems (IQEIS)
Sylvana Ricciarini, President
Tel: +1 202 378 6696
Email: sricciarini@iqeis.com
Website: www.iqeis.com
Venezuela - Fondo para la Normalización y Certificación de la Calidad (FONDONORMA)
Fabian Ugas, Director General (E)
Tel: +58 212 2620034
Email: fabian.ugas@fondonorma.org.ve
Website: https://www.fondonorma.org.ve/index.php/es/