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New Appointments and Re-elections to the IAAC Executive Committee at
the 32nd General Assembly
Webinar on Standards, Labels & Certifications for the Circular Economy of Plastics

The Quality Infrastructure Council of the Americas (QICA) and the Circular Economy Coalition for Latin America and the Caribbean organized a webinar titled "Standards, Labels & Certifications for the Circular Economy of plastics", held on March 23, 2023. 

It was very successful, 350 persons joined in to learn from experts about experiences in the region!

The webinar included interesting presentations by panelists and experts on their experience of Certification programs and labels, focused on Circular Economy in plastics, in Argentina and Colombia. Also, the first mapping of labels and Conformity Assessment programs regarding Circular Economy in Plastics, in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

The Quality Infrastructure Council of the Americas (QICA) is made up of the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC), the Inter-American Metrology System (SIM), and the PanAmerican Technical Standards Commission (COPANT)

If you want to watch it again, please visit us on YouTube!

Standards, Labels & Certifications for the Circular Economy of plastics

Let's keep working together to shape the future of Accreditation and accredited Conformity Assessment in the region!

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