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IAAC Executive Committee meetings held in March 2019.


IAAC held its beginning of the year meetings in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2019.  These meetings which are shorter than the annual meetings include the Executive Committee, MLA Group, MLA Committee, Peer Evaluators Management Subcommittee, and the Stakeholders Committee. 

The IAAC Executive Committee held a half-day meeting to brainstorm ideas for a new IAAC Strategic Plan for 2020-2025. As a result of this meeting, a SWOT analysis was drafted and the discussions will continue during the next IAAC meetings.  The Executive Committee will make sure that the discussions at the regional level are in line with the discussions at the IAF and ILAC level.


The IAAC MLA Committee agreed on the evaluation criteria and methodologies to carry out documentary evaluations to confirm compliance with ISO/IEC 17011:2017, for those ABs that will not have an evaluation by March 2020.  A document was drafted regarding the use of IAF/ILAC A3, classification of findings, competence of personnel, evaluation of risks, and the accreditation cycle.

IAAC MLA Group meeting

IAAC has a total of 20 MLA signatory members from 17 countries.  Even though the amount of signatories has not changed, it is worthy to note that every year there has been a steady increase in MLA scope extensions approved by the IAAC MLA Group. 


In March 2019, four IAAC MLA signatories extended their MLA scopes:


ema of Mexico was accepted as an MLA signatory for Persons and Energy Management Systems Certification Bodies.  We congratulate ema for being the first IAAC MLA signatory in the region for Persons Certification.  


ANAB of USA was accepted as an MLA signatory for Medical Laboratories.


SCC of Canada was accepted as an MLA signatory for the scopes of Energy Management Systems (EnMS), Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS), and Medical Devices Management Systems (MDMS) Certification Bodies by self-declarations.



OAA of Argentina was accepted as an MLA signatory for Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) Certification Bodies by a self-declaration.  

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