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ILAC recognizes the IAAC MLA for RMP


ILAC recognizes the IAAC MLA for RMP

The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) recognizes the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) Multi-lateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) for the scope of Reference Material Producers (RMP) using ISO 17034, as a result of the ILAC regional peer evaluation for this MLA scope extension which was carried out during 2019/2020.

Reference Material Producers that are accredited by signatories of the IAAC MLA for RMP may now receive international recognition of their accredited RMP programs.  This achievement is significant as regional development of reference materials programs that support the specific markets and the needs of the Americas, and will serve the process for improvement of testing, calibration, and proficiency testing services offered within the region.  It provides another platform for the support of regional growth, innovation and development.

The IAAC Chair would like to thank all parties that made this achievement possible including the member Accreditation Bodies, IAAC peer evaluators, the MLA Chair and Vice-Chair, the IAAC Executive Secretariat, and the Stakeholders

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