SIM new IAAC member
IAAC warmly welcomes the Sistema Interamericano de Metrología (SIM) - Inter-American Metrology System, as an IAAC Associate member. SIM is a regional metrology organization of the Americas, which includes the National Metrology Institutes of each country in the Americas. IAAC and SIM have a long history of cooperation at the regional level, working together as partners in technical cooperation projects with the PTB of Germany and the Organization of the American States (OAS), sharing experiences in areas of common interest at the committee level; collaborating on joint capacity building activities such as training workshops for both IAAC and SIM members. The IAAC and SIM Chairs attend and participate each other’s General Assemblies. In 2014, IAAC, SIM and COPANT signed an MOU to create the Quality Infrastructure Council of the Americas (QICA) with the objective to promote a shared vision for mutual support in the development of standards, accreditation and scientific, industrial and legal metrology. QICA is the contact point for cooperation actions in support of strengthening the national Quality Infrastructure in all countries of the Americas.
IAAC’s longtime and fruitful relationship with SIM has now been formalized by establishing mutual memberships. IAAC recently became a member of SIM, and now SIM has been formally accepted as an IAAC associate member.
SIM’s website is